Maza Musik
"Maza Musik adalah wadah buat teman - teman musisi untuk terus berkarya dan terus mencoba mengkreatifkan pikiran"
WaveMachine Labs DRUMAGOG
WaveMachine Labs DRUMAGOG
Industry standard for professional drum trucks
I developed a totally new engine while following past usability and became refined GUI. I realize VST hosting function in the Platinum version and I insert your other VST instrument in Drumagog5 and can replace it by the sound. It supported iLOK from Drumagog5.
Main characteristic
Easy to use. I insert it and choose the sample!
DRUMAGOG inserts application and only chooses a favorite sample file, and favorite sound can replace a drum truck immediately.
So that the file browser window of DRUMAGOG5 displays all file system with 1 screen; design れています. As each hard drive is displayed by a regular file browser, I can easily find out a desired sample from enormous sample libraries.
Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 Download
Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2
Vast New Synthesis Possibilities:
- Audio Import – Use your own audio file as a soundsource in Omnisphere
- Over 400 New DSP Waveforms for the Synth Oscillator – an increase of 100X
- Wavetable Synthesis – Each Waveform is now a Morphing Wavetable
- Powerful New Granular Synthesis algorithm
- Deeper FM/Ring Mod capabilities for aggressive timbres
- 8 New Filter Types – New Power Filters, Vowel, Resonators
- New Unison Drift models Analog Polysynth behavior
- Expanded Modulation with new sources and many more targets
- Polyphonic LFO and Modulation Envelope options
- Soundsource Reversing
- More than 3,000 New patches and soundsources from acclaimed Spectrasonics Sound Design Team
- New Omnisphere EDM library with cutting-edge, modern sounds
- New Exclusive Soundsources from Diego Stocco’s Custom Built Instruments
- New category of Phrase-based Soundsources for granular synthesis
- Hundreds of new Circuit Bent Soundsources
- Many Innovative new Psychoacoustic Soundsources
- New Melodic Cave Stalactites Soundsources
- …and much, much more
Download PreSonus.Studio.One.4.Professional.v4.0.0 Mac.Win
Studio One 4
It’s all better and faster and cleaner and all the usual things we associate with a full version update. But here are some of the new features that caught our eye:
- Chord Track and Harmonic Editing – Taking a nod from Cubase PreSonus introduces a useful chord track. But this also includes a very interesting Chord Selector for building your chord progressions. Chords can be triggered or progressed via MIDI and you can apply chords from the Chord Track ontop existing tracks. This extends to audio tracks with Audio Harmonic Editing and re-harmonisation.
- Sample One XT – The original inbuilt sampler gets an overhaul with a load of new features and improvements. Live sampling is, of course, the big one. It can sample from any input, send or output. You can now drag and drop samples from anywhere into the GUI and let Sample One do the auto-slicing and adjustments for you.
- Impact XT – Following on from the sampler is this new version of the Impact drum machine. It’s taken on loop production as well as beat making. It has 8 banks of pads and per-sample editing.
- Drum Editor – Another welcome Cubase throw-back is the drum editor. Basically, a piano roll that’s tailored towards percussion. So you get hits rather than notes. This is tightly integrated with Impact XT.
- Drum and Melodic Patterns – Brings in Musical Patterns which are pattern or step-sequence style of programming and arranging.
- Cross-platform file exchange – not exciting but very useful.
PreSonus.Studio.One.4.Professional.v4.0.0 Mac.Win
Studio One 4 Keygen
Instal Antares.Auto-Tune.v8.2018WIN.VST
Instal Antares.Auto-Tune.v8.2018WIN.VST
Plug-in Antares Autotune adalah alat yang berguna untuk mengoreksi nada dalam rekaman pertunjukan vokal. Ini digunakan sebagai plug-in Studio Virtual Studio dalam workstation audio digital Anda. Seperti plug-in VST lainnya, ini berjalan dengan mudah dalam berbagai perangkat lunak host, sehingga Anda dapat menggunakannya di banyak tempat setelah hanya satu instalasi. Sejumlah versi Autotune tersedia, dan instalasi untuk setiap versi cukup mudah.
Tutorial Mixing Suling Delay Dan Reverb Seperti Bollywood
Tutorial Mixing Suling Delay Dan Reverb Seperti Bollywood
Video Kali ini saya mencoba berbagi pengalama buat teman - teman yang ingin mengetahui cara Mixing Suling Delay Dan Reverb Seperti Bollywood.
Ini hanya sekedar berbagi ilmu yang biasa saya lakukan dalam proses Tutorial Mixing Suling Delay Dan Reverb Seperti Bollywood
------- Terima kasih untuk menonton video saya -------
Semoga bermanfaat yaaa bro....
Instal PreSonus.Studio.One.3.Professional.v3.5.4
Instal Tutorial Avid.Pro.Tools.HD.v12.5.0.395.WIN.X64 2018
Instal Waves Complete 2018.03.14 WIN
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Avid.Pro.Tools.HD.v12.5.0.395.WIN.X64 Pro Tools 12.5 , bagaimanapun, menempatkan Avid dengan kuat kembali dalam lomba. Kolaborasi cl...